
A frame designed to master the art of balance.

Pic of Hoku

"If heaven had granted me five more years, I could have become a real painter.” ― Hokusai Katsushika

I designed the Hoku race frame to be an example of mastery of a tried and true form factor, which incorporates some more complex internal features and prioritizes rigidity overall.

The key selling point of this frame is balance, It’s not intended to be the lightest on the market, but it’s still very light. It’s not intended to be the most durable on the market, but it’s still incredibly durable. I didn't want to make any large sacrifices in any particular area, but still minimize the unnecessary bulk that other frames suffer from.

The only exceptions are in flight performance and stiffness - this has proven to be one of if not the stiffest racing frame, and that translates to great resonance performance and tune-ability. To achieve this, the Hoku uses a keystone compression structure that causes the interior of the frame to be in tension laterally and longitudinally. This directly results in stiffness that won't go away as the carbon wears down over time, and will keep screws from loosening. When compared to frames that use an overlapping carbon sandwich, the full height compression interlock with equal force distribution along layer lines allow the thinner arms to last longer and not delaminate.

The Hoku is also designed to be easy to build and maintain, with stack pressnuts and just enough space to fit all major ESCs in a normal non-rotated configuration (with the exception of the Foxeer Reaper Slim 60A).

The design process has consisted of over 300 revisions and multiple prototype carbon batches have helped me boil the design down to what I think is near-perfection. Mastery takes time, I'm happy with the Hoku and can't wait for you to try it.

Where can you get one?

The Hoku is the premier race frame of WREKD Co. The kits, prints, and spare parts are sold and shipped from Monroe Ohio. In the future we are going to expand and ship from other locations to make it easy and cheap to get your hands on spares.

Buy at WREKD